“You know the sound the TARDIS makes? That wheezing, groaning? That sound brings hope wherever it goes…To anyone who hears it, Doctor. Anyone. However lost. Even you.”

Call for Help
If you don’t think you will be able to complete the Challenge on your own, you may choose to call in help from another Doctor during the Create the Dice Pool stage of the Adventure step.

To do so, discard a Sonic Charge token or Timey-Wimey card and choose another player to help you. That player now chooses to either help you from afar or come to your Location.

Coming to Your Location
If the helping Doctor decides to help you from your Location, and is not already at your current Location, the helping Doctor must discard a Sonic Charge token or Timey-Wimey card to move their Doctor to your Time Zone and Location.
Unless the Location is a Time-Anomaly, whenever a Doctor helps another at the same Location, you must move the Dalek Ship forward two spaces.

Splitting the Dice Pool
You must split your Dice Pool with the helping Doctor, allowing you each to focus on part of the Challenge. 
Each Doctor may only use their own Doctor, Companion, and Equipment cards on their own Dice Pool (unless they are an Any Adventure Timey-Wimey card, then they can be used on either Doctor’s Dice Pool).
If a Doctor discards a Black die to re-roll all his dice, he only rolls his own Dice Pool. The other Doctor must discard their own Black die to re-roll their Dice Pool as well.
If any dice are Exterminated from the Dice Pool, the Doctor being helped chooses which die will be discarded.

Example: The Twelfth Doctor must split his Dice Pool. Since the Fourth Doctor is helping him from the same location, the Twelfth Doctor has a Dice Pool of five dice, while the Fourth Doctor has a pool of three dice.
This gives them plenty of options of which dice to keep and which to discard.
Remember,  whenever you are building a dice poll always gather all the dice you can and do all your Dice Focusing before discarding down to your dice pool limit. 

Help From Afar
If the helping Doctor decides to help you from afar:
     • The helping Doctor has a Dice Pool of one die.
     • The Doctor who is being helped has a Dice Pool of seven dice, or six dice if the Dilemma or Time Anomaly has the Time-Breach condition. 

If you succeed in the Adventure:
     • The helping Doctor draws one Timey-Wimey card.
If you fail the Adventure: 
     • The helping Doctor must discard one Sonic Charge token or Timey-Wimey card.

Help At your location
If the helping Doctor comes to your Location:
     • The helping Doctor has a Dice Pool of three dice.
     • The Doctor who is being helped has a Dice Pool of five dice, or four dice if the Dilemma or Time Anomaly has the Time-Breach condition.

If you succeed in the Adventure:
     • The helping Doctor also gains the Reward given by the Time Zone they are in on their Location.
     • Remove an additional Dalek marker from this Location. If they are on Earth, they only remove an additional Dalek marker if it is in their Time Zone.

If you fail the Adventure:
     • Add an additional Dalek marker on this Location. If they are on Earth, place the additional Dalek marker in the their Time Zone.
     • Complete the actions listed as the Fail cost on the Dilemma tile for the helping Doctor as well as the Doctor being helped.



Some Dilemmas and Time Anomalies force the Doctors to regenerate.
When the Doctors regenerate, each player takes the next highest numbered Doctor card available, passing on their old Doctor card to another player if necessary. If you are already at the highest-numbered Doctor available, you regenerate as the First Doctor.
Remove your old Doctor marker from your coloured base and replace it with the Doctor marker for your new regeneration, placing it where your previous Doctor marker was.