From the monthly archives: February 2017

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'February 2017'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Becoming The Doctor

“The universe is big, it's vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.”
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Game Turns
Starting with the earliest regeneration of the Doctor and moving clockwise, each player takes their turn. After each player has their turn the Daleks then have a turn. This process repeats until either: one or more players wins the game, or the Daleks win the game.

Each player’s turn consists of four steps:
1. Prepare
2. Travel
3. Adventure
4. Finish

The Prepare Step

During your Prepare step, you gain Sonic Charge tokens, and may Uninstall Equipment, Install Equipment, and Dismiss Companions.

Sonic Charge Tokens 
At the start of your Prepare step, place two additional Sonic Charge tokens on your TARDIS Console (up to a maximum of five tokens). You must do this before you use any Timey-Wimey or Companion card effects.
 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Sonic Charge Token
 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Timey-Wimey Cards 
Install Equipment
Discard any unwanted Equipment Timey-Wimey cards from your TARDIS Console, freeing up Equipment slots for other Equipment cards.

Install Equipment
Play Equipment Timey-Wimey cards from your hand into empty Equipment slots on your TARDIS Console. You must pay the Sonic Cost of the Equipment card when you install it on your TARDIS. You do not need to pay the Sonic Cost to use the card after that.

Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Dismiss Companions
Dismiss any unwanted Companions from your TARDIS Console and shuffle any Dismiss Companions back into their Companion decks.

Flying your TARDIS

“Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the Fourth Dimension?”

Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

The Travel Step
During this step you fly your TARDIS to a new location or try to solve an unfinished Dilemma at your current location. When traveling to a new location you roll the TARDIS die. If you roll the TARDIS symbol you may go to a location of your choice. If you roll the Question Mark symbol, the TARDIS decided she knew where you ought to be, and you go to a random location from the top of the deck.


Traveling to a New Location
If you wish to move to a Location other than Earth or a Time Anomaly, you must roll the TARDIS die.

• On a roll of a TARDIS Symbol, you may either: Move your Doctor marker to any Time Zone on any Location in play, or Draw two Location tiles. Discard one and place the new Location tile on the table. Move your Doctor marker to one of the Time Zones on the new Location.

• On a roll of a Question Mark Symbol, the TARDIS has decided that she knows where you need to be. Draw a Location tile and place it on the table, then move your Doctor marker to one of the Time Zones on that Location.        
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
 Locations with Dilemmas 
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Its So Much Bigger on the Inside!

“Been knocking around on my own for a while. My choice, but I've started talking to myself, all the time. It's giving me an earache.” 
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Recruiting a Companion

If you have an empty Companion space on your TARDIS Console, you may recruit a Companion at the start of your adventure.
If you are on Earth draw from the Earth Companion deck. If not, then draw from the Alien Companion deck. If you are on a Time Anomaly, you may recruit a Companion from either deck.

 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
The newly recruited Companion card is a Part-Time Companion, and will only become a Full-Time Companion if you succeed in the Adventure. Show this by leaving a gap between the Companion card and the TARDIS Console.

Linked Companions 

If you have a Link to a Companion, you may search the Companion deck for that Companion to recruit, instead of drawing one at random.
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks 

Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Let’s have an Adventure!


“Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold.”
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Story Dice

There are six different dice symbols. Black dice have one of each of these symbols.
The Green, Blue and Red dice are more focused than Black dice. Each has fewer symbols on them, but a better probability of getting those symbols, colour of dice you end up using, just as long as you roll the required symbols.  
 Doctor Who Time of the DaleksDoctor Who Time of the Daleks

Determine the Challenge

The combined symbols on the Location and Dilemma set the Challenge that you will need to meet to complete this Adventure.
The colours on the Location and Dilemma tiles are there to give you guidance on which Story Dice are most likely to roll that symbol. It doesn’t matter which 
Example: To complete this Challenge the Doctor needs to roll the following symbols:

 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

Creating a Dice pool 

You create the Dice Pool by gathering the Story Dice of your Starting Dice Pool, using your Companions to Focus the Doctor’s attention, and then discard any excess dice.
The total of all the Dice Add icons on all your Doctor, Companion, and Equipment  Timey-Wimey cards to find your Starting Dice Pool. 
Dice Add Symbols (Black, Red, Green and Blue)
(These Symbols on the cards indicate how many Story Dice you add of that Colour type.)

You may play Event and Transfer Timey-Wimey cards to get more dice as well. 
Gather the matching Story Dice and place them in the Dice Pool area of your TARDIS Console.
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks Doctor Who Time of the Daleks Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks Doctor Who Time of the Daleks Doctor Who Time of the Daleks

 Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Focusing Dice

Each Dice Focus icon on a Companion card allows you to exchange a die of that colour for one of your Black dice. A Dice Focus icon with a split colour gives you a choice of exchanging a die of either colour for a Black die.
Dice Swap Symbols (Red, Green and Blue and a mixed one like Green/Blue)
Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Example: Looking at the challenge he is facing, The Doctor sees that focussing more on Blue and Red dice would be useful. The Doctor uses Rory Williams to swap in one Black die for a Blue die and Captain Jack to swap in a Black die for a Red die. Both Amy Pond and Captain Jack could exchange a Black die for a further Green or Red die, but the Doctor decides that he has enough of those colours. Then, with nine dice in his Dice Pool, The Doctor then elects to discard a Black die to get down to the eight dice limit. 
Discarding Down to Eight Dice

The Doctor’s Dice Pool is limited to a maximum of eight dice. If, after adding and focussing dice, you find yourself with more then eight dice, you must discard any excess dice.

Exterminating Dice

After discarding down to eight dice, The Doctor must Exterminate (discard) a further die for each Dalek marker at the Doctor’s current Location (regardless of which Time Zone the Dalek marker is in).
As an exception to this, if The Doctor is on Earth, only Daleks in the same Time Zone as The Doctor Exterminate dice from his Dice Pool. 

Doctor Who Time of the Daleks 
The Doctor has been unlucky and there is a Dalek marker at his Location. Having made his dice pool and discarded down to eight dice, he must now reduce his dice pool by one, leaving him seven dice. 


“When I say ‘run’, run… RUN!”

“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.”

Card Abilities
Some Doctors, Companions, and Timey-Wimey cards have Dice Re-roll icons.
These icons grant you re-rolls of dice of their indicated colour. Each one may be used once per Adventure.
The three types of Dice Re-roll icons are: 
NUMBER: Allows you to re-roll up to that number of dice of the indicated colour.
ANY: Allows you to re-roll any or all dice of the indicated colour.
ALL: Allows you to re-roll all (but not anything less) dice of the indicated colour.

Sonic Charge Tokens
You may spend two Sonic Charge tokens to re-roll any one die. This can be done as many times in an Adventure as you have Sonic Charge tokens to spend on doing so.

Doctor Who Time of the Daleks  Doctor Who Time of the Daleks
Discarding a Black Die
You may discard a Black die (reducing the size of your Dice Pool) to re-roll all of your dice. This can be done as many times in an Adventure, as you have Black dice to discard doing so (although eventually, you will have too few dice to finish the Challenge).
If your first roll was so bad that no amount of dice manipulation is going to help you, it might be wise to discard a Black die and re-roll everything. On the other hand, if you’re already close enough to success, it might be better to use some of your card abilities and Sonic Charge tokens first, saving discarding a Black die for a last-ditch re-roll after you’ve tried everything else.
Example: So far, The Doctor has only matched three of the symbols he needs to meet the Challenge: 1 Cunning, 1 Science and 1 Tactics. 
Being the Eleventh Doctor, his Bow Tie allows him to re-roll up to two Black dice. One of the re-rolled dice comes up with Cunning, so he now has four matching symbols.


Example: Looking at the challenge he is facing, The Doctor sees that focussing more on Blue and Red dice would be useful. The Doctor uses Rory Williams to swap in one Black die for a Blue die and Captain Jack to swap in a Black die for a Red die. Both Amy Pond and Captain Jack could exchange a Black die for a further Green or Red die, but the Doctor decides that he has enough of those colours. Then, with nine dice in his Dice Pool, The Doctor then elects to discard a Black die to get down to the eight dice limit. 
Changing Faces
If after re-rolling you still have not rolled all of the needed symbols to completed the Challenge you may change the facing on some of your dice using:
-Card Abilities, or
-Sonic Charge tokens.
Some Doctors, Companions, and Timey-Wimey cards have Dice Change Face icons

(These icons grant you the ability to change the facing of a die of the indicated colour to the indicated symbol. Each may only be used once per Adventure.)

Doctor Who Time of the DaleksDoctor Who Time of the DaleksDoctor Who Time of the Daleks
Sonic Charge Tokens
You may spend three Sonic Charge tokens to change the facing of any one die to any symbol. This can be done as many times in an Adventure as long as you have enough Sonic Charge tokens to spend.
Example: The Doctor is doing well so far, having five out of the six symbols required to complete the Challenge. Fortunately Amy Pond is one of  The Doctors companions and she allows him to change one Green die to Diplomacy.
When a Doctor succeeds in an Adventure by matching all the symbols in the Challenge, they:

1. Gain the Reward given by the Time Zone they are in, on their Location.  
2. Remove one Dalek marker from this Location (if there are any to remove). If they are on Earth, they only remove a Dalek marker if it is in their Time Zone.
3. Promote all Part-Time Companions to Full-Time Companions by moving them up to connect with the TARDIS Console.

When a Doctor fails an Adventure because they were unable to match all the symbols in the Challenge, they:

1. Dismiss all Part-Time Companions and shuffle them back into their Companion decks.
2. Add one Dalek marker on this Location. If they are on Earth, place the Dalek marker in their Time Zone.
3. Complete the actions listed as the Fail cost on the Dilemma tile.